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Five Reasons Why Content From Third Parties Is More Dangerous Than You Think
Why Social Media is a Threat to U.S Service Members – And How They Can Stay Safer
Active-duty members of the U.S military spend a lot of time on social media – more time than the general population, in fact. According to
Five Reasons Why Content From Third Parties Is More Dangerous Than You Think
Article originally posted on Forbes. Following the 2020 SolarWinds attack, cybersecurity experts have been focused on educating businesses about protecting their “software supply chain.” It’s an
The FTC is Cracking Down on Businesses for Failing to Patch Log4j Vulnerabilities
At the beginning of December, the Apache Software Foundation dropped a bombshell when it disclosed a zero-day vulnerability in popular Java logging package Log4j. With
Digital Governance 101: Evicting Exfiltrators
There’s a spot on the garage floor right underneath your parked car’s engine… and it’s growing. Your car has a leak—but what is it? Oil?
Digital Governance 101: Beating Back Bad Actors
Bad actors are unceasingly on the hunt for vulnerabilities on websites and apps. The right tools and processes for managing third-party domains can help thwart
Why Cybersecurity Awareness Must Include The Entire Web Supply Chain
Article originally posted on Forbes. This year has been a watershed for rising cybersecurity awareness. Following attacks involving SolarWinds, Kaseya, Colonial Pipeline and a Florida water-treatment center, businesses and consumers
Third Party Code is Leaving the Backdoor Wide Open
Access to Information, The Media Trust, and Duke University: September Update Ransomware has become a top cybersecurity risk in recent years and it shows no signs of
He Predicted The Dark Side Of The Internet 30 Years Ago. Why Did No One Listen?
Philip Agre, a computer scientist turned humanities professor, was prescient about many of the ways technology would impact the world predicting the dark side of
Why Malicious Third-Party Code is a Problem and What to Do About It
In a previous article, we explored the security risks that third-party code can bring to your website. In short, otherwise useful third-party libraries may contain malicious
To Win the War on Cybercrime, Businesses Need an Ethical Framework
Why Social Media is a Threat to U.S Service Members – And How They Can Stay Safer
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